Brass, burnt acrylic color, motorcycle parts, rope, and fibreglass
51 x 50 x 50 inches
unique in a series of 3
Ants hiding under a leaf during a storm
The leaves of plants and human shields share similar characteristics, both in shape and functionality. Whether plants inspired humans to make shields, or all life on earth shares the same memories, is hard to affirm. The leaves tremble violently in the heavy rain, and under one of them hide a few tiny ants, a ladybug, and a butterfly with wet wings. They wait motionlessly and quietly for the heavy rain to pass, so they can climb onto the leaf and enjoy the energy from the sunlight anew.
The main body of this sculpture resembles a warrior standing with a spear in his hand, which extends to the ground and becomes a soft rope and the plant’s stem. He leans behind the disc, perhaps his giant shield or a shelter behind the leaf.