Dyeing Fiberglass,Spiral Wire, Stainless Steel Tube, KUPO 4-Way Ring Lock, Strap, Lead Block
Pipe: 270 cm | 106 1/3 in (overall height adjustable with cable)
Fiberglass Element: 100 x 127 x 25 cm | 39 1/3 x 50 x 9 3/4 in
Dyeing Fiberglass,Spiral Wire, Stainless Steel Tube, KUPO 4-Way Ring Lock, Strap, Lead Block
Pipe: 270 cm | 106 1/3 in (overall height adjustable with cable)
Fiberglass Element: 100 x 127 x 25 cm | 39 1/3 x 50 x 9 3/4 in
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